Holy Trinity Chippawa

"Come, my way, my truth, my life."


HTC (Holy Trinity Chippawa) is a place of worship, a place of community and invites every person to experience the gifts of God’s love through His Son Jesus Christ. In our 200th year and beyond, we give thanks for God’s continued presence in our lives. 

Holy Trinity Chippawa is a parish in the Diocese of Niagara within the
Anglican Church of Canada 

Services Each Sunday

8:15am Morning Prayer
              1st and 3rd Sundays
8:15am Said Eucharist
              2nd and 4th Sundays
9:30am  Sung Eucharist
               1st, 2nd, and 3rd Sundays
9:30am  Morning Prayer
 4th Sunday

Holy Eucharist is from the Book of Alternative Services. There is organ music and a sermon.

Morning Prayer is a contemporary order of service from the Church of England’s “Common Worship” which is adapted from the Book of Common Prayer.
Evensong is a beloved church service from the Book of Common Prayer. It is held as announced.

Baptism, Weddings, Funerals arranged with the clergy. Call the church office for an appointment.

For more information, contact the church office 905-295-3212


Baptism is a sacrament and a symbol of belonging to Christ and His Church. People of all ages are welcome to learn more about being baptized. Baptism is usually part of a regular public worship service.
Contact the Church Office to make an appointment with the clergy.


Christian marriage is a solemn and public covenant between two adults made in the presence of God and others.
There are certain Canons (rules) that apply to people desiring to marry in the Church. 
Contact the Church Office to make an appointment with the clergy at least 60 days before your planned event.


For more information, contact the church office 905-295-3212

For more information, contact the church office 905-295-3212


The loss of a loved one is both painful and difficult. The clergy and staff at Holy Trinity, Chippawa will be with you and assist you to make plans for the memorial of your loved one.

Seekers / Newcomers

What to Expect

Come as you are! There is no dress code for worshipping at Holy Trinity Chippawa. Parking is available on site and there are several handicapped parking spaces at the front of the church. Upon arrival, you will be welcomed by two parishioners and given a service leaflet. You may sit anywhere that you are comfortable.

We are happy to offer prayers on your behalf at a Sunday morning service. Please click on the link.

Prayer Requests 

For more information, contact the church office 905-295-3212

Holy Trinity, Chippawa follows the Six Seasons of the Church Year-Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter and Pentecost. We celebrate Trinity Sunday (our namesake being Holy Trinity) the Sunday after Pentecost.