About Us
Holy Trinity ChippawaHoly Trinity Chippawa (HTC) is a small but active church with a friendly and welcoming environment.
We are a community that is committed to helping others and developing meaningful friendships in as many ways as possible.
We look to discern our personal relationship with Jesus through prayer and hearing the Word of God.
You can still get assistance from our ministry team.
• Rev. Mark Gladding is available Tuesdays
• Lori Gibson, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
(8 am to 12 noon)
Rev. Mark Gladding,
Lay Reader
Lay Reader
Lori Gibson
Church Administrator
David Tupper
Director of Music
Anglican services follow a pattern that begins with the gathering of the community, the listening and reflecting on the scriptures. Then we bring forward the needs of the world and our community to God in prayer.
The celebration of the Holy Eucharist (bread and wine) follows before being sent into the mission of daily life.