Daily Prayer
Lord our God, you are our help and our comfort. We look to you and to your promises. Grant that we may remain full of courage, also in our personal concerns, so that we do not complain like fretful children, but cheerfully wait for your great victory on earth. May we...
Daily Prayer
Lord our God, we come to you as a little flock, asking you to accept us and keep us as your own, whom you will redeem in your time. Protect us always so that we remain strong in faith. Strengthen us in the faith that you are with us, helping us. Grant that your people...
Daily Prayer
Loving God, As we prepare our hearts for the season of Lent, guide us to embrace this time of reflection and renewal. May we grow in faith, deepen our love for one another, and seek your grace in our daily lives. Amen.
Daily Prayer
God, I know that whatever I touch, do, buy, create, eat, or in any way experience today is provided by your grace. Thank you for my daily bread. You are more than enough. Today I’m thankful for shelter, family, friends, work, food, health—even my current struggles—as...
Daily Prayer
I adore Thee, O my God, and I love Thee with all my heart. I give Thee thanks that Thou hast created me, made me a Christian, and preserved me this night. I offer Thee the actions of this day; grant that all of them may be according to Thy holy Will, and for Thy...
Daily Prayer
Good morning, Lord! I offer to you my day, All of my joys and my sufferings, my cares and my concerns, My accomplishments and my failures. All that I have, all that I do, is yours. Keep me in your care. Guard me in my actions. Teach me to love, and help me to turn to...