Feb 17/25

Feb 17/25

Lord Jesus, Throughout your ministry you reached out to help those around you, especially the people who were sick or hurting, or who had been ostracized or excluded. You called to task those who judged others; you rebuked those who offered their prayers only to be...
Feb 17/25

Feb 16/25

Lord, I don’t know what lay before me today, but I commit it all to You. Please give me strength and courage to get through the joys, challenges and happenings of the day. I thank You for my life and for all that I have; I commit this day to You. No matter what...
Feb 17/25

Feb 15/25

Loving God, We trust in your plans, even when the path is unclear. May our faith be a beacon of hope, guiding us through struggles and illuminating the way for others. Help us to grow in our spiritual journey, embracing the lessons that come our way. Let our faith be...
Feb 17/25

Feb 14/25

Heavenly Father, I am seeking you: your presence, your ways, your direction. Clear a path in my mind and heart that I may focus myself on you above all else. I want to love and serve you, love my neighbour, and grow in faith, hope, and love. Amen.
Feb 17/25

Feb 13/25

I worship You, O Lord, God of the Universe, and I love You to the core of my being. Heavenly Father, thank you for creating me. I am a Christian, and I am grateful to have this day. My actions for this day are offered to You, the Holy one.In Jesus name I pray. ...
Feb 17/25

Feb 12/25

Dear Father in heaven, we thank you with all our hearts for showing your power in us and for overcoming so much that is hostile and that threatens to harm our life. We thank you for the countless wonders you do for our sake. We rejoice and thank you most of all for...