What's New
On Sunday September 25, 2022, in Christ’s Church Cathedral, Hamilton, Rev. Deacon Rob Duncan was ordained to the priesthood by the Rt. Rev. Susan Bell, Bishop of Niagara. Rob is now our Priest-in-Charge! Congratulations!!
What's New
June 19th Bishop Susan Bell joined us to celebrate our delayed 200th Anniversary and dedicated a memorial plaque to mark the occasion.
What's New
Saturday May 14th 9am – 1pm in the church parking lot PLANT SALE, BAKE TABLE, CLOTHING STORE IS OPEN AND MUCH...
What's New
FUNDSCRIP is now available on-line! Download the order form and mail with a cheque to: Holy Trinity Anglican Church, 7820 Portage Road, Niagara Falls, ON, L2G 5Y8 You will be called when your order is ready to be picked up at the Church office. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD...
What's New
NOVEMBERFEST SATURDAY NOVEMBER 20th 9am – Noon HOLY TRINITY PARISH HALL (jams, gift baskets, Christmas treasures and bake table) PLEASE NOTE as per November 1st Ministry Guidelines, proof of vaccination is required to be shown, stay masked and maintain...
What's New
A late season Monarch butterfly was photographed in our Community Garden by gardener Dot Miners. As Dot says, you only need to look around to see something beautiful! In this season of Harvest, we praise God from whom all blessings flow.